About Us

Community Involvement

About  >  Community Involvement


Vancouver Island Coach Lines is committed to supporting a vibrant community, not only through sponsorships and charitable donation, but by having our team get involved in community events.

We believe in giving back to the community and build strong relationships with other businesses, residents and organizations.

Get in touch


Vancouver Island Coach Lines is committed to reviewing each sponsorship and will contact you directly once we have reviewed your request.

Applications must be received at least 45 days prior to the event, funding or prize request date.

Online applications only will be accepted; no phone, fax, mail or email proposals please. Please note, your application must be submitted in one session as it cannot be saved and returned to.

Thank you for considering Vancouver Island Coach Lines as a potential sponsor.

    Contact Information



    Event Information

    Cash donationsTransportation for eventPrize sponsorOther

    If prizes, such as tickets or merchandise for giveaway or auction items, please provide us with the following details:



    Let’s Get Started

    Get in touch and let us know how we can meet all of your transportation needs.

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